I do believe we're all meant to suck the life out of life.

bucketlistSo there's this girl I like (no, not that way). She's a blogger. An uber-blogger, really. And her name is Lesley Carter. Her blog is called Bucket List Publications.In a nutshell, Bucket List Publications portrays the beauty and limitless possibilities of this world and talks lots about how the purpose of life is to live it. To the fullest.Well, if you've read through any of my blog, you know that bucket lists are big with me. To suck the life out of life is why I think we're all here. So this girl pretty much had me at 'hello.' Why am I saying any of this? Simple. This chick's got 75,548 followers and she's sayin' the same thing I'm sayin'. So if you don't believe me, believe her. We've got one life. Live it well. Just sayin'.